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ZANAS Members



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Andrea Franceschetti

Engineer & Rocket Assembly

One of the main members of Zanas, he models and prints most, if not all, rocket parts that need to be modelled with PLA, expert of Arduino technology he works to implement the electronic parachute deployment system and offers his garden as a testsite for Zanas engines.

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Alessio Anceschi

PR & logistics

Social media manager and expert in public relations, he's the voice of the group, going out there making deals and finding people who can help our association, he helps Montecchi with the production and the cemistry of Zanas motor ingredients.

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Leonardo Montecchi

Software  & Chemical Engineer

Engineer and Chemist, he researched the best propellant mixes for the Zanas M-series, S-series and Valkyre motors . He helps design the rocket and assembles the engines with Franceschetti and Anceschi. He also designed the website and other official Zanas material.

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Pietro Fiorini

Designer & Sponsor

A Man who knows how to set up launch sites, he was able to get our biggest sponsor yet, A&A Mazzini, and records and takes photos of all our events and launches, turning them into polished videos.

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